Certification according to the latest quality and environmental standards
In our work, it goes without saying that we are guided only by the highest standards. And the recertification according to DIN ISO 9001 as well as the first certification according to DIN ISO 14001, which we received at the beginning of the year, confirms that we succeed time and again:
ISO 9001 was first awarded to us in 1998 and is the world’s most popular management system. It recognizes companies that are able to align their products and services with customer needs and offer consistently reliable performance through clear business processes.
ISO 14001 is the standard for environmental management systems. It confirms that cardinal GmbH complies with all legal regulations and that negative effects on the environment, e.g. in the form of soil or air pollution, are minimized
We are extremely proud of both awards, because they show that Cardinal takes responsibility: for customers, employees and for the world in which we all live.